Chocolate- Music For Cars
This song is not about chocolate, surprisingly, but seems to me about addiction, specifically drug abuse "Hey now call it a split 'cause you know that you will" and the lyrics "No we're never gunna' quit it, no we're never gunna' quit it no" are clearly talking about the drug use but the song has over layers aside from that. For instance the song talks about being young, getting into trouble and just not caring. I think thats a message that will definitely resonate with a lot of people, through aspiration or applying to the actual situation. My favourite part of the song is by far the "Gotta get it, gotta get it, gotta get it, gotta get it, go! And play it cool" because Healy's way of singing, with his accent, creates an edge to their songs.
Fallingforyou- IV
This song really demonstrates Healy's wide vocal range as the song moves from high to low and on and on. Its a soft song, really beautiful, especially the "I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you" with the backing vocals and the almost intake of breath after the chorus, it's one of my favourite compositions. The vocals fall and rise, like breathing. The song stays calm but constantly changing, for example the drums during "I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss you".
The City- Facedown/IV
This is my favourite songs. It's loud, it has a heavy drum beat and it has amazing lyrics. From the words "Yeah you wanna find love and you know where the city is" to the softer "Oh and she said it's your birthday are you feeling alright". Its a really fun song, perfect for lip-synching like a crazy person in the middle of the night or playing at parties. Its odd how my favourite song is the one I have the least to say about, but its probably because I spend more time enjoying it than analysing it.
Me- Music For Cars
This is another slower song, I especially love the "don't you mind?"s throughout the song. It's a sad song, but sometimes its nice to wallow in despair and this is a great song for wallowing. The song has huge instrumental stretches without lyrics and it's peaceful and relaxing. The added effect of the saxophone adds something to the song, which the rest don't have. It's a long song though and I find it could be a bit shorter, but sparing that tiny, insignificant detail, it is brilliant and tragic.
'Me' and 'Fallingforyou' don't have music videos so by clicking the names there you should be linked to fan-made lyric videos of the songs but I recommend buying the songs because this band is going to very big, very soon. Also feel free to comment and recommend me blogs to follow, I'd love the feedback!